About Us

Since 1995, Fertility Weekly® has helped professionals in the fertility community stay on top of current research findings, international news, journal reviews, conference information, and upcoming events.

This weekly international newsletter publishes the most timely scientific news in clinical and laboratory research relevant to reproductive medicine, infertility, reproductive endocrinology, contraception, urology, andrology, genetics, surgical remedies, and other fertility related topics.

A subscription to Fertility Weekly entitles you to 45 informative, comprehensive issues each year, covering 52 weeks. That’s over 1200 pages annually, delivered directly to you each week.

Who Subscribes to Fertility Weekly®?

Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Reproductive Endocrinologists, Urologists, Oncologists, Surgeons, Human Reproductive Scientists, and other professionals who research and/or treat infertility and reproductive disorders.

What are the key benefits of subscription?

Time is of the essense for professionals such as yourself. Fertility Weekly delivers timely and comprehensive coverage of Fertility happenings around the world at your finger tips.

  • Time: Focus your available time on covering a wide variety of news, research and conferences presented in a nut-shell.
  • Concise Library: Create a concise library of key information for later reference.
  • Single Source: Easy access to global fertility research and news in one source. Deep dive into more details as needed instead of poring over a multitude of journals.
  • Value Pricing: Get exposure to world-wide news and research for a value price.

What are Some of the Topics Fertility Weekly® Covers?

in vitro fertilization

gamete intrafallopian transfer

zygote intrafallopian transfer

embryo transfer 

intrasuterine insemination

intracytoplasmic sperm injection

oocyte donation

post-coital test   



treatment for tubal occulusion 

multiple-gestation pregnancies

reproductive urologyovulation induction


hormonal implications

surgical remedies

ectopic pregnancies


recurrent spontaneous

male factor infertility


reproductive endocrinology

 . . . and much more

How Have Subscribers to Fertility Weekly® Benefited?

“Fertility Weekly keeps me ‘up-to-date’ with excellent summaries in all areas of reproductive medicine.  I talk to a lot of customers about a wide range of topics and count on Fertility Weekly to keep me current.  It’s great as is.”

Dr. Debra Bryant
Humagen Fertility Diagnostics
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

“As the number of fertility-related journals continues to grow, Fertility Weekly becomes an increasingly important tool that allows me to focus on my reading on topics of interest.”

Mark Perloe, M.D.
Director of Reproductive Endocrinology,
Infertility and IVF
Georgia Baptist Medical Center
Atlanta Reproductive Health Center
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

“Fertility Weekly is covering variable areas of interest to me and updating all the information on research and meetings.”

Dr. Samar Hassan
Associate Consultant
King Fahad Hospital
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

“It’s already excellent!  It summarizes the journals I may not subscribe to.”

Scott Roseff, M.D.
West Essex Center for Reproductive Endocrinogy (W.E. C.A.R.E.)
West Orange, New Jersey, USA

“Quick information about important new strategies of research and treatment.”

Helena Meden-Vrtovec, Prof. Dr.
University Medical Centre, Department OB/GYN
Ljubljana, Slovenia

“Good summary and general overview of key findings.”

C. Richard Lyttle
Assistant Vice-President
Wyeth Ayerst Research
Radnor, Pennsylvania, USA

We are so confident Fertility Weekly® will become an indispensable tool in your research, that we guarantee your satisfaction. If at any time you are not completely satisfied, simply cancel and receive a full refund on all unmailed issues.

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